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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Cristiano Ronaldo and the 5 Most Important Players for Real Madrid

Real Madrid kicked off their La Liga title defense last night at the Bernabeau to a disappointing result.
A 1-1 draw against a tough Valencia was definitely not the way Jose Mourinho and his men wanted to start the season.
Regardless of the match, Madrid remain favorites to repeat as champions, with Barcelona a very close second. 
Madrid uncharacteristically stayed away from the transfer market until the Luka Modric signing, as Mourinho and company felt satisfied with the current roster. 
With a surplus of world class players, Real Madrid certainly has one of the most—if not the most—talented rosters in all of football. Despite the overwhelming talent, there are certain players who are more valuable to Real's chances at repeating and ones that Madrid will count on more than others.